Level 10 class
Level 10 focuses on developing profound listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by bringing Chinese into everyday language, making it a practical skill of students. While learning, we hope our students achieve a sense of accomplishment, and an interest in learning Chinese. This level is only for students who have successfully completed the Level 9 class or pass the placement test score.
Class Summary :
Textbook 教科書 |
10 th Level 十册班 Let's Learn Chinese 8, 學華語向前走 10 |
Skill level 程度 |
Year 10 textbooks and up |
New vocabulary 生字 |
300 |
Course objective 課程簡介 |
Homework & Exercise 家庭作業 習作 |
Instructor 老師 |
Details about the class:
Level 10 class focuses on developing profound listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by bringing Chinese into everyday language, making it a practical skill of students. While learning, we hope our students achieve a sense of accomplishment, and an interest in learning Chinese.
Blending together the long history of China, its culture, tradition, and festivals will allow students to have a sense of continuity between various implications of the Chinese languages, and striving for a more complete Chinese education.
Han Yu Pin Yin will gradually be introduced and will build on traditional phonics methods that students are already familiar with. Every time the class meets, we will add moderate Pin Yin practice, helping the children understand Pin Yin as an alternate set of Chinese phonics.
深化學生聽、 說、 閱讀、 寫作能力, 將學習生活化、 實用化, 從中獲得喜樂、 成就感, 提高濃厚的 學習興趣, 將喜愛學習中文的 種子深植孩子心中 。
結合中國悠久的文化、 歷史、 民俗、 節慶等等, 使中文學習更具有內涵, 使中文學習更具多元化 。
有感於逐漸普及的漢語拼音 在學生既有良好的注音程度上。 於每課生字旁加以漢拼 , 使孩子亦了解 另類拼音方式 。
Level 10 class focuses on developing profound listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by bringing Chinese into everyday language, making it a practical skill of students. While learning, we hope our students achieve a sense of accomplishment, and an interest in learning Chinese.
Blending together the long history of China, its culture, tradition, and festivals will allow students to have a sense of continuity between various implications of the Chinese languages, and striving for a more complete Chinese education.
Han Yu Pin Yin will gradually be introduced and will build on traditional phonics methods that students are already familiar with. Every time the class meets, we will add moderate Pin Yin practice, helping the children understand Pin Yin as an alternate set of Chinese phonics.
深化學生聽、 說、 閱讀、 寫作能力, 將學習生活化、 實用化, 從中獲得喜樂、 成就感, 提高濃厚的 學習興趣, 將喜愛學習中文的 種子深植孩子心中 。
結合中國悠久的文化、 歷史、 民俗、 節慶等等, 使中文學習更具有內涵, 使中文學習更具多元化 。
有感於逐漸普及的漢語拼音 在學生既有良好的注音程度上。 於每課生字旁加以漢拼 , 使孩子亦了解 另類拼音方式 。
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